20 Books in Line

12:13 PM

It all started when I stumble at one interesting article online. The article was posted several months ago since the entry was created because of Mr. Cupid. Well, it's not started as in started, beginning-started, but it's going back to what I'm used to be or what I used to be doing. The old me?! hehehe!

It's a list of good romantic-reads. So I pulled out my pen and paper and started to write down the books that I need to hunt down. All right so I'm not really a book worm but I do read once in awhile. Most of the time I turn on books if i need to calm my mind or sometimes just to be distracted to loosen up.

One of Cecelia Ahern creation is included in the list which has a really intriguing story line. It so happen that an officemate-slash-friend has a connection to one of Powerbooks employee who can get books on a very cheap rate. I believe it's one of their employee benefit.  I received a SMS from this friend saying there is an on-going sale and Ahern books are included. Imagine from the original price of 500php or 300php to 80php! That is what I call, no doubt... BOOK SALE!

As you can see  I bought not just one but four! yaaay! All books are completely sealed, so guaranteed new, except for PS I LOVE YOU which I don't mind. I'll try to share the experience of this affordable books on my upcoming posts. Now I'm really thinking to collect all 20 books in the list for my collection. So guys if you intend to give me something, gift or even just out of pity (hehehe!) books in the list will do! 

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