Cutting Classes, College Style!

2:37 PM

Lakas tira, Lakas tsamba!!!

It's almost six years now when I got my bachelors degree. Some people might say, " What's gotten into you?!", but really... I do miss being a student. Everything! That includes, studying, exams, recitations, reporting... Hahaha! I'm weird like that, I know right! 

That's why early last month I enrolled myself to a short course (something 'bout computers) where I have an all day class every Sunday for almost six sessions.

Yesterday, fresh from the province, I packed my bags and headed to the metro to attend my computer class. Ooohhh and by the way I'm with my crazy friend, Aryanee. We met a block away from the school before heading to the class. However yesterday was a bit different. We relive my college days, maybe one of the reason why I had a memorable college life.

Uuhhmmm yeah... we cut class yesterday. Hehehe! I was a little bit under the weather for the past few days. So we headed to Starbucks Greenbelt which I learned was the first Starbucks in  the Philippines ever, ever (arte much?!). I thought pouring my heart out to a trusted friend will make me feel better... I didn't! ... but somehow I feel lighter.

Aryanee didn't want it lighter, she aimed for the natural eccentric insane me. she said "Orange, sometimes don't try to fit in when you meant to stand out". Woooow! Maybe just maybe I wasn't ready to stand out. Thinking it will improve my mood we went for a bite. However we realized that we weren't the typica; girls who eat their sorrow out through carbs.

Until... **light bulb!**, Aryanee brought me to one of my forgotten haven.The Billiard Hall!! During college, vacant periods automatically was our billiard time. To the extent that me and some friends become lazy to attend our next class, especially if it's just an ordinary lecture day.

Just when I feel the chalk powder between my fingers, the billiard stick and seeing those colorful balls in a green carpeted billiards table... Woooaaahhh it felt sooooo good. I felt better and my worries juts flew away... for sometime.

Maybe that's what I really miss most when I was still a student, my worry free days. Responsibilities we're lighter, people are easy to talk to and feelings aren't that complicated.

I know playing billiards would be just a temporary thing. It doesn't solve anything at all. But after our game, if you can call it that way ( kids game, me and my rusty billiard skill) my mood improved. With a better mood now, I can come up to more logical explanations and actions. Game! Game!

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