Five Minutes

2:20 PM

I am thankful way beyond my words can ever express. Having a job where I can share my skills and make it grow and learn more. The fact that it also put food on the table. Having the best people in my life be it the friends in the office, friends who I got to know along the way, my family who never stops to care and gives a never ending support to whatever I plan to do. I am thankful for this life that has given to me, the fact that I woke up today and given a chance to make other people happy, to be a better version of who I am yesterday. For new experiences, new places, new food having the privilege to experience those are worth thanking for. Shelter to keep me warm and safe. Friends who understands the fickleness    of my mind and even those who don't, hey I'm learning! Thank you! And most of all I'm overwhelm with God's love that undeniably true in every waking hours of everyday, every hour, every minute, second. I'm just in awe of your loving presence. Thank You. I thank You! 

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