There are many things I would like to say but I dont know how II
10:34 PMHearts Month!
It was like a fresh workplace when the month arrived, (new schedule, new shift mates, new break schedule, new office route)a total revamp of my so called office life. when i said fresh, what i really meant was new, so it's not like I'm happy with my new schedule but I'm not sad about it or maybe yes? ("fresh" seems like a happy word kasi.) . Sadness enters when i felt that people whom i call friends are no longer around (uhhm its either end of shift or rest day, pede rin nk-break?! uhmm may suspended din pla. hehehe!). I was really quiet then, most of the peeps around noticed my silence (haizst ganun ba tlga q ka-ingay?!)
One week passed, and i was emotionally exhausted. I rarely talk and laugh with my friends because of work load/schedules plus I also have my issues that i preferred to take on my own, so exhaustion happened suddenly.
Before ending my first week, i was invited by friends to unwind, i didn't know that i was super battered deep inside of my suspicions and fears, in the middle of our drinking session while i was happily talking about a certain thing, i cried.
Never known ever-ever as a cry baby, I'm always the funny one! Nevertheless even your the most hilarious person in the world when things pile up and its over your head and there's no one to back you up when you can no longer crack jokes, there's no other way but to weep! No man is an island!
After my shameful shed of tears, it felt good!
(let me just keep the not-so-me-sobbing-details, hehehe! so i can save myself from total embarassment! toinks!)
And you wont believe what happened the week after this...