Back to Basic at 27
6:21 PMEvery year brings another birthday, making me a year older, another year wiser, another year stronger... and a whole lot hotter (it's my birthday so let it be! uhmm... puhleeassee??!!)
As always I was at parentals home when the clock strikes 12. To be frank, I don't have any special plans for my birthday even if my mom and dad is expecting for one (uhmm sorry to burst your bubble parents. LOL) I've been through some things and clearing my mind is all I want to do. Soon as I woke up, I grab my running shoes, change into my run outfit and off I go to the lake.
The lake is my silent witness of my angst, happiness, memories (good and bad) and whenever I'm being an Orange with down syndrome. Running in a way for me is not merely to keep me healthy and buff... but it's more of me-being-with-me, my time to be alone. To gather my thoughts, to evaluate things, to have a self check or simply just to have conversation with myself...
Early that morning, when the sun is up and smiling I started moving my feet, walking turned slowly into run. I didn't feel the heat of the sun, all I can feel is the coldness of fresh air that surrounds the area. I dunno but burden seems to be lighter, messy head is a bit clearer and I'm happier every time I finish once or twice the run in my so called magical lake.
After an hour and so, it's time to go home. After some time of running I realized this isn't just an ordinary day for me. I need to do something different. Different?! Different?! Think! Think... Nada! Uurgghh I can't think of any.
When I reached Hacienda Cortez, (you know this is exaggeration right?!) I noticed that our humble abode is more of a jungle now because of my two cutie little patooties. Parentals can no longer face house chores because they all got their hands to our little cute babies.
Ting! Ting!
House Helper for the Day, oohh yes! Happy Birthday Orange!
For my first chore, I intend to help my dad in putting my little niece to sleep. Baby Unnah, is 3months old and she's a bit busy juggling her activities. Dede milk, sleep, dede milk, sleep, dede milk, sleep (on repeat)
According to pediatrician, babies release 3x more growth hormones when they are having a good night's sleep. So it's really important that baby gets enough and quality sleep. So for babies sweet lullaby sleep follow this steps and you can never go wrong... **waacchhiiinnnggg!!**
First Step... Feed milk. I dunno but it seems babies go to sleep after every meal (which is the milk). Next if still not asleep proceed to my second step. Second Step.. Hum a lullaby or sweet cuddle the baby. They say that cuddling babies or i mean massaging them is like saying "I love you" however if still not aslep, next step please. Third Step... carry the baby and do some lullaby dancing but if ever you exhausted all options of your dancing skills and still not sleeping, call your mom, since mothers knows best! Unfortunately I'm not a mother yet so call your mom instead! LOL
Luckily, my sweet obedient angel didn't gave me a hard time for my first chore! ooohh yeeaaaahh S-U-C-C-E-S-S!!!!
Next chore... Help my mom to prepare my other cutie niece (Boo Ten-Ten) for school! Boo Ten is currently on her first year of schooling. School starts at 0800am and ends around 1000am. It's more of a playschool and I can see that she is enjoying herself in a new environment and having new friends.
Compared to some kids, going to school was a breeze to my cute niece. By nature I can see that she's very sociable and confident. Learning new stuff and gaining friends are our main purpose why we let her attend playschool this early. And we are glad that she's enjoying every single minute of it.
Luckily I happened to dress her up before her school service arrives, sneakers, shirt and her kipay shorts and then she's all set for her class. It's more of my get up and she really likes it, aside from her dresses, of course. Comfy and so light! So I declare this chore... COMPLETED!
The Bedroom Chore
After my mom took Boo Ten-Ten to her playschool, it's time to face our messy bedroom. This is the family bedroom, we have 4 rooms total in our mansion (nyahahaha!!! maka-mansion??!!) but we only stay in one room. The family that sleeps together, snores together!! Tama??!! Paaak!
After cleaning up our bed, sweep the room's floor and some dusting on our cabinets.. uhmmmm D-O-N-E! That simple! I'm really not that OC but I do know when a mess is really a mess. The unbearable mess! :D
This room originally belongs to my ate, beside it is my room and the next one for my kuya. When my ate had Boo Ten-Ten she asked permission to have my room, so after some time they demolish the wall that separates my room to my sister's room.. and what do we have... uhmmm A BIG ROOM! (charlang-charla)
Moving on... The Living Room Chore
Welcome to our living room. I was in kinder when we transferred to this house which is by the way inherited by mom from my grandparents. So around 22 years of living at our humble mansion.. este home! Sweep the floor, wipe on-wipe off, wax on-wax off, and viola!!!
It is just an achievement to clean our house the way I did because it's not really me to do house chores. (tamad ako?!! alam na alam ko yan! nyahaha!) I am proud to say that those big chairs was a dream come true for me. It was like 4-5 years in the making, how bout a round of applause mate?! chosss!!
Breakfast with my Pops
If you're a close friend you probably know that I'm a master chef. Kitchen is my life!!! Hot steamy... water is my forte. :b My signature dishes are instant -foodies, just add hot water and... vavooomm! Eating time! I know how to create yummy, sumptuous meal like fried hotdog, fried eggplant and fried rice. For any recipe don't hesitate to shoot me a comment :D (well if you know what I mean??!!)
Contrary to my skill, my dad is a great cook (truxx yan?!). Unfortunately the hereditary genes for cooking wasn't transferred to my petite body! nyahaha! While he was busy tending our garden, I prepared a special breakfast (special since kitchen is not my territory). Fried Eggplant is one of my favorite even though they said that it's not nutritious at all (but it's a veggie, ayt??!). I have Fried hotdog which I like toasted kamatis, tinola soup (from our dinner the night before) and of course fried rice which I have sprinkled a little too much of salt. Need more to say my dad was shock, (well seeing me in the kitchen is shocking alone, me cooking??! nyahaha!) but he's smile in the picture seems his happy, right?! Maybe it's too salty, may be it's overcooked, maybe I cut the tomatoes differently but I guess I made him happy?! hehehe!
While my dad was still in awe, I was shock to see how our sink turned out after cooking and eating... A total mess if I may say. World War 2 Sink style... Ooohh I hate washing dishes! Hate it!
To get things done, start with it! How??!! Hahaha! Clean them with water first. And then put a small amount of dishwasher liquid on your sponge. Then start washing, then rinsing and done! hahahaha!
It's time to check some birthday greetings!!! Nevertheless, Facebook keeps me connected with people I haven't touch base for the longest time. It's so nice to receive lots of birthday messages and see some unexpected birthday wishes. uhhhmmm friends, family ... what else can I say??!! THANK YOU!!!! :D
I just wanted to cry for no particular reason, (arte??!!) good thing is that I borrowed some DVD's a day before my birthday and after all some chores I decided to watch a drama movie. A Way Back Home...
"Jessica Santiago (Julia Montes) and Ana Bartolome (Kathryn Bernardo) are two sisters who have lived in separate lives for 12 long years. Jessie, though an excellent student, has grown to feel sorrow of Ana's lost while Ana, not knowing that she's an orphan, grew up in a far-flung fishing village. When they meet in a swimming competition, the Santiagos exert effort to bring Ana back. But when Ana returns home, Jessie feels more abandoned and lovelorn. With their relationship turning sour, Jessie’s life is terribly put in danger.In the end, the two sisters find home where their hearts truly lie."
Uhhmmm.. yeah! I cried!!! Success! LOL
After a teary moment, I decided to give thanks and praise Him for another year. Sadly, San Pablo Cathedral was under renovation and there's a lot of noise inside the big church. I decided to speak with him at the adoration chapel which is just beside the big church. Corny as may it seems but talking to him, gives me an uplifting mood. Thank You Bro!
Before going home, I bought my crazy niece a gift, her favorite... Chicken Joy!
Visited my Tito June's grave, uhmm wala lang... it's been a while since I visited him and besides All Soul's day is just around the corner. RIP Tito June...
Afterwards we headed to the mall to watch a movie however before that my niece tag me along to the carousel. Every time we go to the mall she never fails to have that priceless smile whenever she rode those ponies?!! (anliiitt eehh!! :b)
Sometimes we took for granted the little things, and the simple joy of life. Uhhmm maybe, or just maybe I got tired of complications of life so I decided to keep it low this time... oohhhh it's always a low profile birthday for me.. isn't it?!! hehehe! Just joking! Or maybe just maybe you'll come to a point that you'll miss the light responsibility when you're young. For one day, i did go back and my parents with their open mouth who are left in awe but have smile in their eyes are my priceless joy. Endless giggling of my niece is a priceless gift.
Back to basics. That's the life we ought to live and not just dream about. Simple... because simplicity is beauty! hehehe!
I thank you! Bow!