Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
1:55 AM
That's all they really want, some fun! When the working day is done, girls they want to have fun. Ooohh Girls just wanna have fun!
27 years in planet Earth, (i'm planning to migrate to planet Venus next year! choss!) I experienced to be around of lotsa people that I shared memories good and bad. Indeed, people come and go, sometimes as much as you want to hold on, they need to go. Sometimes you just don't care but fortunately there are people that also wants to stay.
Aug n Sept are my reunited-coz-it-feels-so-gud months! night out later w/ crazy and stunning@callmesimone @AmiraIsabelleartista much!
I never been the type to check on friends every now and then. I'm not into SMS-ing compared before that I can have your inbox with just my name on it! All of those are forwarded messages by the way nothing really personal, like how are you?! wazz upp and down??!. It came to a point that some friends are a little pissed because of nonexistent orange. After several forwarded SMS, they'll message me back, asking questions, some are violent reactions or just a simple hi.
In terms of social networking sites, I seldom check on friends page unless it's visible on my time line at the time I logged in. It's not that I don't care but it's just that.... I'm lazy (i kneerrr aayytt??!). :D So as much as possible when my time permits me (aun oohh!! busy as a bee! choss na choss!) and friends have time too, we try to meet up for a cuppa!
One thing that pisses me off is when a friend agree to some plans and end up cancelling. Once, twice sometimes are acceptable, everyone has things come up sometimes, but some are soooo consistent that we named him... "the architect". (kung natamaan ka! ikaw na! LOL)
My office friends plays a big part why I decided to stay for five years (eherrmm and still counting, gaahhhdd! choss!) Some friends gone and transferred to other office, some gone an airplane away to be happy and productive, while others continuously live the "Great Hotels Guest Love" tagline like me =D
Although some parted ways, we still huddle once in awhile at everybody's-hang-out. (Mini Stop -- Ganito kami sa Makati! Choss!) But when friends for far-far-far away land came and visit, we free our schedule to renew our vows (choss!), to catch up and to party all night!
Indeed, we are all awake when September ended not for the melodramatic reason of the song but... because... we partied all night long! We first hang out at Mini Stop Columns to spend time with other friends that can't make it through the party night. Afterwards we had dinner at A. Venue Night Market and for our main event, we sang our heart out at Top Grill Jupiter.
Just got home from an awesome night out with deary good friends. Friday gimik for me is eating till we drop and singing our hearts out! Pak!
Now sleepy but still awake for a night recap and nonstop kuda! Pagoda ma'amsst @callmesimone@monabayoneta @erinssi@AmiraIsabelle and Mandy
It was around 0330am when we decided to end our craziness (voice kinda hoarse already, with those high notes?! what do you expect?! choss na choss!) and since our crib is just near the area, friends decided to wait for Mr Sun before going back to reality.
They intended to at least have a cat nap before going home but with the our non-stop blabbing... non-stop?! so they can't just stop. LOL After some hours when Mr. Sun is up and smiling at bright blue sky, we dragged ourselves to freshen and dress up to grab some brekky before officially ending the get together.
We ended up at our favorite kitchen... Choss! Friends and Neighbors... Although we are like walking zombies then (ooohh please PLANTS not today! Brains! Brains! BBRRAAIINNSSS!!) over some beef steak and veggies, we talk, talk, talk and talk... ooohh and we laugh in between as well! That's how crazy we are!
Ooohh and lem'me welcome my ever soooo faburito, OCTOBER! Let's start rockin' baby! Yaaay! My birthday month! But for now, power nap! Later!
Ooooohhhh Yeeaaaaahhh!! October lem'me hug you tight!! kiss! *smoochie* I miss you! My birthday month! wooohhhooo! I feel it in my bones this will be onehelluva rollercoaster OCTOBER ride! wiiihhh!! Jump In!