Temporary Madness... Is it?! The Complete Insanity. (I lied!)
7:55 PMWhere did i stop?! uhmm... Yeah! The twit!
So i did twit and even texted my info to number posted by @melasonbaby, and after a while I received an SMS stating:
"Thank you for texting. Tomorrow, we will officially welcome Melai and Jason to outside world.Be at the PBB activity area around noon time. And please text back to confirm ASAP.”
**something like that.**
Wooaah! So that’s what you get for not thinking about your actions… Err! I should stop thinking then! (whachathink?! Hehehe!) I screamed and did my cartwheel ten times. (me exxage! I know! Just on the cartwheel part ^_^) Okay so I tried to compose myself again. I face my laffie, compose my message, then hit the send button!
So this is it! This is really it! Yaaaay!
Fast Forward
Next day, I woke up early since I’m coming from Laguna pa. On my way to Manila, I caught myself smiling (Insanity… Check!). By 0900am, I’m at Wendy’s Boni. our meeting place, (okay fine! I lied! It was 0915! Anyways that was a big improvement huh!), we had burger for brekky while I spilled the niceties of what incurred the day before. As usual were all laughing and giggling about the info plus the fact to have this very new and outrageous experience.
After brekky, wearing our red top… ABS here we come!
In front of PBB House. Me Smiling ear to ear!
Okay so we reached our destination! I didn’t waste any moment, strike a pose then click! Click! Apir!
Then after some time we say our hi’s and hello’s to peeps in red and when we are in the get-to-know stage, a van pulled over and a man with this biggie video cam alighted from it. (alert! Alert!)
After ten minutes guess who is going out the house… M-E-L-A-S-O-N!
Here’s an amateur-lousy video taken by… Me! Ummfft! My apology I’m new in this! Hehehe!
**sorry on the cursing part! ahehe!
When they passed by, all I did was to call out their names (Melai! Melai! Jason! Jason! Waaah!). It really felt good when Melai looked at my digi cam then smiled (feeling ko close kami!), while for Jason the boob tube didn’t give justice to his flawless rosy skin. He looked better (bestest) in person. *kilig*
And then they’re gone… off to ASAP XV.