Lets get PhysicaL
3:03 PMWaaah! muscle pains! my legs hurt like hell!
why? why?
<< rewind << rewind
29th.around 0630am
with The Oldies, Me, Ate and Ten
around the lake @ saint paul
PlayGround @ the park
with Mom this time (bagal kc.. ahehehe!)
and here are my "eksena"! bwahaha!
>> tres Marias
>>this was super fun its like going back to good old days! ^_^
the Mom, The Ate, Teng-Teng and The Me... where's The Dad?! He's the photographer! *winx*
i super love being a kid... wish i could turn back time!
i am imitating the statue while my sister is making fun of me.. and ten?! guess what?! she thought that the statue is like "bro", she's actually praying *toinks*
i love the shot.. felt so happy ei!
one of our stop... its actually a furniture store and stuff are made of that kind of wood (as you can see, narra?! hehe! d q lam) i super lurv their creation and add to that we can have a photo ops! wiihh!
run! run! run! gotta lose that weight! go!