Babys Day Out UpLoad

10:18 AM

good morning!! Mami for breakfast with my boo teng-teng!! puuurrffeect! after bfast im stuck with my "laffie" uploading my niece long overdue pictures.. zzzzzz.. tagal!! decided to make eme-eme to this blog site.. ahehe!! what to write?! no idea! what to share?! nada!! ahehee!!! let me just copy a survey from a friends site.. ahehehe!! tapos back ground music Ocean Deep.. pack sheet!! hate emo song, oldie song today! bat d na lang is it okay?! ahehehe! chosz! lets stop this crap ^_^ , and heres the survey! 1. If you could go a week forward or a week backwards, which would you choose? ---> forward!!! because im looking forward to our college reunion. *define redudant* aiizzsst hirap mageng organizer huh!! im still thinking bout activities, games and giveaways.. uhhmm parang kids bday purhtee lang eeeh!! ahehehe! 2. Do you follow college football? --->naaaahhh!! college syato lang.. ahehehe!!! college volleyball sometimes, my dad is a huge fan of UST. 3. What were you doing before this? --->checked my fb, then add my friends to my blog site, now answering this while uploading my niece pix! 4. Who was the last person to send you a text message? ---> my dad.. 5. Last time you went swimming in a pool and where? ---> last may!! with my college friends.. that was @ acropolis mandaluyong. after that get2geder i got sick... huhuhu! sick leave! yey! 6. Are you happy? --->so... so... i dunno, its safe to say that im fine... life sucks but im still okay.. guess i should be happy and thankful ayt?! 7. Where was the last place you went shopping? ---> ahehe! i rarely shop.. jan2 lang sa tabe2.. but later i'll have family time @ Robinson lipa!! wiiiihhh!! 8. How do you feel about your hair? ---> pack sheeet!! i want to rebond it now.. but.. but.. there things to prioritize.. it can wait!! huhuhu! 9. Last thing you ate: ---> MAmi and ice cream!! yummmyyy!!! isa pa!! 10. Want to kick anyone's ass? --->none.. im on rd right now, already shhoo away the bad vibes.. well that i cant promise when im nt in the comfort of our home. chosz! im peace lover person that i can guarantee! 11. Do you have any expensive jewelery? --->naaaah!! but i have a good heart!! hahahaha! chosz! 12. AIM or MSN? --->YM? 13. What classes are you taking right now? --->anger management!! ahehehehe! na-da!! 14. How many hours on average do you work a week? --->40 hours... check!! 15. Who are the people you like right now? --->people who likes me as well.. ahehe!! my friends! and some cuties around the corner! ahehee!! 16. Who was the last person to call you? ---> my friend jhigz.. wer suppose to meet at lung center before my shift however i woke 20 minutes before my log in! whaapppack! thats why he called.. 17. What's your sign? > scorpio 5 18. Do you have a favorite number? ---> 17.. ever since.. because of olsen racela! lurrrvvv olsen! 19. Where do you spend most of your money? --->food cguro.. and mobile load?! ahehehe! 20. Where does most of your family live? ---> San Pablo City LAguna philippines 21. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? ---> i have an older brother and sister 22. Ever been called a hoe/slut? --->Naaaahhh.. yea but wer just joking around! 23. Ever been called a bitch? ---> yea.. but its a joke as well.. kind of expression! 24. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? ---> no.. y noy batibot stuff na lang?! ahahaha! 25. Collect anything? --->books, 26. Myspace or Facebook? ---> i go for fB since dont have myspace.. why not multiply?! 27. Do you have T-mobile? --->GLOBE!! ahehehe! 28. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? ---> sometimes.. but ill end up wanting myself pa ren.. i love me and my life!! 29. Last time you saw your parents: ---> im here since tuesday night at my parents house.. i have 3 days with them each week!! and i love staying @ home with my fam! 30. Do you have any talents? --->i eat fire! chosz!! 31. Ever been in a wedding? ---> opkors!!! last wedding i attended was jo's wedding.. a hs tight friend! i was really moved when i saw her walking at the church aisle.. me and my friends was all teary eyed! aaaawww! 32. Last movie you watched: --->uhhhmmm.. harry potter!! ahehehe! 33. Are you missing anyone at the moment? ---> im missing things the way they are before.. missing my child life and everyone thats no longer part of my life that i lurv.. but its okay.. 34. Did you take a nap today? --->naaaahhh.. its too early to take a nap.. later! 35. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? --->8 hours!! ahehehe! yee! 36. Do you have any wealthy friends? ---> yes!! wealthy mind, heart, and pocket!! i lurv them all!! 37. Ever met anyone famous before? ---> i am famous! chosz!! 38. Could you handle being in the military? ---> eme-eme military!! i attended a military training before when i was in high school.. quitter never wins! i can say that its one of my highlight in mah life. 39. Are you hungry or thirsty? ---> both.. let me first grab a drink.. time pers! 40. Favorite nightclub: --->like a bar?!ummffftt.. puhrtee night out is not my thing.. y not praying?!ahehehe! 41. Can you speak any other languages? --->english and filipino.. thats all bow! 42. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? ---> that was 2 years ago.. i went to a gym owned by inday garutay!! ahihihi! in fairnesz.. the instructor is cute!! one of my motivation to complete my session every week! ahihi! 43. How many pairs of shoes do you own? ---> just enough! 44. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? ---> photobucket and multiply... 45. Last place you were: --->sa Mamian! 46. What is/was your school mascot? ---> a rubbing alcohol.. and i was the one who was inside it!! aheehe! 47. Do you have any regrets? ---> yeah! its ok coz it plays a big part of the learning process.. 48. Penguins in Africa? ---> noo... poor penguins... 49. Have you ever been gambling? ---> not real ones! just with friends!billiards loosing team will have to pay the table rent, while for cards just twenty five cents bet 50. How old are your parents? ---> 50+ 51. Favorite place to be: ---> coffee shop with friends.. i lurv chilling lang tlga! 52. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? ---> si dora as of the moment kc fave xa ni ten-ten! 53. How is the weather today? ---> overcast... 54. What did you do last night? ---> watch pbb and do some little reading.. ^_^ 55. How long has it been since you kissed someone? ---> is it like real real kiss?! uhmm next question please!!! ahehehe! 56. Do you like your best friend's girlfriend/boyfriend? ---> icks fine.. he's nice and most of all melrose loves him!!! i go for what she wants!!! amishhooo neng! 57. Have you ever liked the same person as your friend? ---> nooohh... i dont share my boys!! ahahaha! its either i gave him up or she do.. it never happened anyway! 58. What are your plans for this week/weekend? ---> weekend.. is a work day for me... but for this rest day.. i gone @ the cemetery to visit my uncle 40th day of death and later on today fam shopping time! wowooot! 59. Who is the sweetest friend you have? ---> sweetest.. the phokers! simpleng sweetnes my bite.. kc mjo bitchy!! ahehehe! 60. What are you listening to? ---> my dad is watching show time,, so im hearing vhongs and anns voice. 61. What is your favorite thing about someone you dislike? --->that i dont like him, and he knows that! 62. Have you ever truly thought you knew who you were going to marry? ---> yeah! i actually wrote my name with his last name, and practiced my signature.. even thought of our first baby name! ahuhuhu!! 63. How long was your longest relationship? ---> 6 months.. i ended it with the famous line "its not you! its meeeh!!!" aaaaw!!! 64. Have you ever dated your best friend? ---> yes!! but he didnt konw it was a date! ahahha! 65. Say something nice about your siblings? ---> sweet and they cant say noooo to me!!! love you both! 66. If you could be any age, how old would you be? ---> katorse!! ahehehe! walalang! 67. Why did you last cry? ---> last night..kc c father anthony nasaksak! umffft' 68. What made you angry today? ---> everything is okay as of the moment! 69. Do you have one friend that you love more than anyone? ---> i lurv them all! 70. What was the last compliment you received? ---> mabait aq! ahehe!eawn q lang din!ahehehe! 71. What was the last thing you and your mom talked about? ---> mami! ice cream! ten2! ahehehe! 72. Who is your oldest friend (age-wise)? ---> office friends! 73. Who is your youngest friend? ---> ten-ten! ahehehe! 74. Who made you smile today? ---> ten-ten!! 75. What time did you wake up today? ---> 830am! mami time! 76. Do you have any classes today? ---> nope... its my rd haller! 77. What color are your parents' eyes? ---> brown 78. Do you want to be single or taken right now? ---> taken.. wala lng for a chAnge ba.. ewan ko lang bukas? ^_^

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