Still... Thank You

5:15 PM

Hey Negatron, 

You make me sad, disappointed, furious and after feeling the "feeling" make me damn weak. I felt like a sore looser. I feel bad at myself but left stuck defeated at one corner trying to mend the broken pieces. However all these things made me better than yesterday. Surprisingly, after several attempts, broken hearts, and bruise pride I've learned that not everything is about me nor you. Not everything is about angry voices, winning an argument or even loosing one. Sometimes silence is deafening than a mothers nag. 

What I've learned?! You Negatron, doesn't only makes me weak but stronger at the same time. Doesn't only makes me sad and feeling loser because I end up triumphantly smiling, giggling, laughing... Yes! SMILING. Latter will happen if and only if I find the hidden gem in those negatively charged situations. 

Because of you I've learned a lot about myself and other people too. I learned that what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger. I learned that after all people will say things without processing, will say things just to make you feel bad, will say things to laugh, will say things.. The world isn't here to protect anyone from the hurtful realm, but you can protect yourself by choosing the people who can hurt you, who are worth the tears, who can say bad things to you but mean well. 

Negatron you don't scare me now, I have a big God after all. You may hurt me but He will put me back together and scare the hell out of you.

Keep 'em coming, I'm ready for new learnings.

Always Prepared, 

Orange Cortez 

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